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Our focus areas

Youth Empowerment

Youth Empowerment, defined by SipaG as helping kids

1) enroll in school

2) further education opportunities

3) secure sustainable  livelihood and employment

4) make a change in social issues affecting their communities

5) take part in social entrepreneurship

6) achieve their dreams and ambitions.

Conflict Resolution

SipaG also uses sports to bridge communities and addrees conflict in war torn areas in Mindanao.  In these areas, the sport is used to promote peace and to have an impact not only on the youth, but on their parents.

Values & Life Skills

As a leadership program, SipaG is heavy into individually mentoring kids to lead better lives.  We tackle areas on self confidence, responsbility, commitment, health, and financial literacy, depending ont he particular challenges of each community

Gender Equity 

We target that at least 25% of all our activities are participated in by women and girls.  We encourage and promote the fact that women should take leadership roles withint he program and organization.

Gender Equity 

We target that at least 25% of all our activities are participated in by women and girls.  We encourage and promote the fact that women should take leadership roles withint he program and organization.

Social Enterprise.


In order to provide livelihood to youth and to also raise funds to develop and expand SipaG's program, it founded together with french volunteers PAG-ON, a social enterprise that makes  sports equipment out of sustainable materials such as bamboo and upcycled goods.

Villette d'Anthon Tournament - France

RC Lens - France

FC Barcelona - Spain

Disaster response

In 2014, the Asian Football Confederation partnered with Gawad Kalinga in building the AFC Village project, AFC's response to victims of Typhoon Haiyan. 


GK developed the community, which was built around a football pitch, using football to provide trauma and play therapy to the children and parents affected by one of the worst storms to make landfall.

Gender Equity 

We target that at least 25% of all our activities are participated in by women and girls.  We encourage and promote the fact that women should take leadership roles withint he program and organization.

Gender Equity 

We target that at least 25% of all our activities are participated in by women and girls.  We encourage and promote the fact that women should take leadership roles withint he program and organization.

Social Enterprise


In order to provide livelihood to youth and to also raise funds to develop and expand SipaG's program, it founded together with french volunteers PAG-ON, a social enterprise that makes  sports equipment out of sustainable materials such as bamboo and upcycled goods.

Values & Life Skills

As a leadership program, SipaG is heavy into individually mentoring kids to lead better lives.  We tackle areas on self confidence, responsbility, commitment, health, and financial literacy, depending ont he particular challenges of each community

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